Slide Biointernational airport image Funded by Organised by Partners Co-funded by UNIÓN EUROPEA Logo Santiago de Compostela Uninova Logo Bioga logo USC Logo BIOINCUBATECH

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    Co-funded by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) | A way of shaping Europe Regístrate Biointernational airport image BIOINTERNATIONAL logo negativo

    What’s BIO International?

    BIO International is an online program that aims to facilitate or boost international expansion of the companies incubated in BioIncubaTech or others within the Galicia bio ecosystem, making the most of the business consultancy and networking services carried out by leading bioincubators in selected markets.

    BIOINTERNATIONAL logo positivo

    Main Goals

    Encourage the generation of agreements and alliances between BioIncubaTech and other bio-incubators in selected countries so that companies can benefit from online consultacy and support.

    Help international expansion into new markets or accelerate the internationalisation plan of the incubated company.

    Facilitate access to a network of potential clients and technology partners.

    Programme Stages

    Stage 1. Registration of Bio projects and companies


    If you are a biotechnology company with international growth needs, sign up using the following form.

    This programme facilitates the international expansion of the selected companies, solving problems and obstacles associated with this process.

    Companies will be selected based on the criteria set out in the Terms of the Programme.

    Stage 2. BIO International Programme


    Once the companies are selected, the agreements with prestigious international incubators will be signed so that they can temporarily host the selected companies.

    The BIO International Programme will be 100% online and different services will be provided to the company such as help in the search for strategic partners in foreign countries, business consultancy and training, or a portfolio of contacts in order to find technology partners.

    BIO International Programme

    1st Call: April – July 2021, Online

    2nd Call: September – December 2021, Online

    world international image

    Participating Companies


    If you have any questions or concerns about this programme please do not hesitate to contact the organisers:

    Technology Transfer Office (AVTE) / Life Sciences Technological Business Cluster (BIOGA).

    Organised by

    Bioga logo


    USC Logo
    Uninova Logo
    Santiago de Compostela

    Co-funded by

    Funded by

    Co-funded by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) | A way of shaping Europe